How to maintain your Locs while in college

How to maintain your Locs while in college

Hello Everyone, 

My name is Jasmine Myers. I currently just started my freshman year in College. taking care of yourself can become a little tricky especially when you spend most of your time studying. You may feel like you don't have time to do anything. Well, i got you. i will show you how to take care of yourself and your hair while in college

The trickiest thing about this is time management. You have to look at your schedule and find out what parts of the day you can do things. For my Schedule, i like to do my skincare in the morning and before bed using the Moisturizing facial serum in my skincare routine. It's better to do your skincare 2 times a day like when you brush your teeth. For hair however, i like to do it every other day before bed. This allows all of the products to really work in my hair and it doesn't cause build up in the scalp. I like to start off with a leave in-conditioner, and spray it all over my hair. Then i go in and use the Rosemary hair growth oil and put it all over my scalp. After that i put hair butter on my locks so they are not dry. I let it rest overnight and then my hair is nice and moisturized for the next few days.

When it comes to getting a retwist, I would recommend every 4-5 weeks so the hair doesn't get matted up if that is what you want. if you can find someone in your college that can do hair and see how much it costs, if it's too much learn how to do it yourself. That will be my next topic for my next blog. 

i hope this helped and i pray that you have a wonderful rest of your day!

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