It is currently GHOE week at NCA&T. Everyone is getting their hair and nails done, looking good when going out, but how do you keep your hair neat?how hard is it to maintain your hair in here are 5 tips and tricks to keep your hair as perfect as when you first got your hair done!
Tip 1: wrap your hair before bed
Yes, a bonnet may help, but if you have a protective style or re-twist or braids, you want to get a head wrap that will allow the parts to stay in place even if you are a messy sleeper. You can wrap your hair and still wear a bonnet.
Tip 2: get satin pillowcase
Getting a satin pillowcase can help with protective styles and it also keeps lint out of your hair. It is not like cotton where pieces of the pillowcase can get in your hair.
Tip 3: maintain your hair regularly
if you maintain your hair on a regular basis, it can help make your style last, while also giving your hair moisture and strength.oil your scalp at least every other day. you can also use styling mousse once a week.Go check out the store website for hair products.
Tip 4: get a style that will last a long time
This will lessen the risk of having your hair get messed up. something that can also be easy to take down in case you want a different style.
Tip 5: wear a head-wrap when working out
working out can cause parts to get messy or re-twist to come out because of all the sweat on your scalp. this can apply to anything that may make you sweat.
i hope some of these helped! have a blessed and wonderful day!